CBD Product Collections
Cani-Boost CBD products to help boost energy are uniquely formulated with organic coffee bean extract to revive and replenish your energy levels and increase endurance and focus. Whether it’s an energy boost in the morning, a boost to get you through the workday, or a boost through that last rep at the gym, Cani-Boost energy boost supplements provide energy and focus throughout your entire day.
Whether you’re sore from working out or just working hard, discover the restorative benefits of broad-spectrum hemp extract with the Cani-Mend experience. Available in an easy to apply topical muscle relaxant cream or balm, or ingestible oil or oral spray, Cani-Mend is a CBD muscle recovery supplement that provides relief to your body. Keep your body feeling in tip top shape everyday!
Meet everyday stressors with a sense of ease, bettering your performance and productivity. Cani-Fresh CBD for relaxation oils will help you feel replenished, rejuvenated and realigned all day, every day. Support your everyday wellness with Cani-Fresh CBD any time of the day.
The Cani-Sleep family of CBD sleep products is natural and non-habit forming, targeting all three key sleep phases: relaxing before sleep, falling asleep and staying asleep. Quality sleep is an essential component of our immune system, general wellness and overall good health. Take the sleep tracker challenge! Use a sleep tracking device before and after using Cani-Sleep. You’ll see the difference.